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BABY LOCK Basic Prostitch and Regalia w BILLIE JO!
Need a get started class on your long arm? This is it!! Come first Thursday of each month for learning the basics!
This month we will learn how to do basic maintenance , threading, testing tension, loading a quilt using the red snappers AND we will walk you thru the Prostitch E2E! We will learn the correct way to progress the quilt! Start to Finish! Come spend the afternoon with Billie Jo
This month we will learn how to do basic maintenance , threading, testing tension, loading a quilt using the red snappers AND we will walk you thru the Prostitch E2E! We will learn the correct way to progress the quilt! Start to Finish! Come spend the afternoon with Billie Jo
Skill Level:
Skill Details:
Need a get started class on your long arm? This is it!! Come first Thursday of each month for learning the basics!
This month we will learn how to do basic maintenance , threading, testing tension, loading a quilt using the red snappers AND we will walk you thru the Prostitch set up for E2E. We will learn the correct way to progress the quilt! Start to Finish! Come spend the afternoon with Billie Jo
Instructor Name:
Billie Jo Crocker
BABY LOCK Basic Prostitch and Regalia w BILLIE JO!
Machine training is FREE if purchased from JHC
Machine training is FREE if purchased from JHC